Q.3) What is Glycocalyx? What is it's function ?
Ans. Outer surface of the cell membrane has a loose carbohydrate coat-called glycocalyx.It is negatively charge.
1.One cell attached to another cell by glycocalyx.
2.It repel all negatively charged ions.
3.Acts as receptors for binding of hormones.
4.It take part in immune system.
Q.4) Name the Cell membrane proteins with their functions ?
Ans.There are two types of cell membrane proteins:
1.Integral protein
2.Peripheral protein
1.Integral protein:
a) Acts as ion channels.
b)Acts as pumps e.g.Na+-k+ pump.
c)Acts as enzymes e.g.Na+-k+ ATPase.
d)Acts as Receptors.
2.Peripheral protein:
a)Acts as Acts as enzymes.
b)Acts as Receptors.
Q.5)What is Chromosome, Gene, Transcription, Translation ?
Ans. a) Chromosome:(chroma=color and soma=body).
Thread like darkly stained structures within the nucleus which carry
genetic information is called chromosome. Total number of chromosome =46 (autosome22 pairs, sex chromosome 1 pair).It consist of the following substances:
3.Basic protein histone
4.Non protein substances
b) Gene:
It is the portion of DNA and unit of heredity, lies within the chromosome.
c) Transcription:
It is the process in which genetic information is transmitted from
DNA to mRNA on the DNA strands by the enzyme RNA
d) Translation:
It is the process of formation of protein molecule by mRNA on
ribosome. In this process transmission of genetic information
occurs from mRNA to protein.
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