A. General factors:
- Diet- Protein of high biological value which provides amino acid for synthesis of globin portion of Hb.
- Hypoxia – It is a potent stimulus for RBC production. It stimulates release of erythropoietin hormone from kidneys ,which stimulates bone marrow for erythroposis.
- Erythropoitin hormone.
- Other hormone- such as Thyroxin which stimulate bone marrow for erythroposis.
B. Haemoglobinization factors:
- Iron- Essential for heam formation of Hb.
- Cu & Mg- Essential for conversion of iron into Hb by catalytic action.
- Co- Influence activity of Cu & Mg & Globin synthesis.
- Bile Salt- Helps proper absorption of vitamins & minerals.
- Pb- Helps globing synthesis.
C. Maturation factors:
- 1. Vit. B12- Acts as co-enzyme in DNA synthesis.
- 2. Folic Acid – Acts as catalyst in DNA synthesis.
- 3. Intrinsic factor of castle which helps in absorption of Vit. B12
- 4. Riboflavin & necotinic acid- Heam synthesis.
Vit. C- Influence folic acid metabolism.
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